Thursday, November 04, 2004

Still thinking about the Election, kid?

one says protest, burn it to the ground and kick in their windshields fuckers can mop up some of your blood in the glass, one says slide to Kansas and learn to talk the bible and Trust and we know it's got to be somewhere in the middle, between disgust and understanding but where to go where to go. and how do you not stop caring. maybe instead of reading the nation you should read some a coulter (for as long as you can put up with the moneywhore - and if you can't then you'll just be out on the bridge holding up traffic and proving to them all the worst they want to think about you and your little coastline) and you'll understand more about Their side, the language They've streamlined, the rhythm of Trust as Liberals hate America), and how They have managed to convince a Majority that They are a persecuted Minority. if you're surprised to hear that, that ,Christianity is under attack, you have a long way to come, my brothers.

once you say you want to reach out to the Red States you've lost the game, they'll spite you all the way to the gallows for it, better to walk barefoot and bombed-up but still carry the cross. once you have a populace convinced that CNN is Liberal, do you know what you have?

Red State rhetoric is bullshit, once you think it's a mass of ignorant farms you're playing Their hand, they'll get you and your pretty little children too. but not holding Them accountable is also bullshit, that rhetoric of cultural values is a pretty enrichedup cover for hatred and not caring enough to engage, so where do we go, pray that the democrats can stir up a prgressive farmer with good teeth from the plains? make me one too while you're at it. face it that Trust and and all of those Gut-Feelings are the name of the game. so what, burn a bridge, or bend over for some Konservativ ramming? Open Up the Pocketbooks, kids, we're Going on Another One!

panic? yessir. and then what?

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