Thursday, May 05, 2005

thou hast used the words melancholy and lover -a ll in a single poem!

While stepping over the remarks of ashen braenwood
along a ravine of hearted stone music
I composed a few lines
to the sky, the water, the woodsy hearth

Trees found their burden heavier
as the enchanted valley enclosed me
a sky: palm in red
blackening dirt filling to my senses -like

In wine reverie the lovers’ fists turn glassy
the waters bloat in rhymed heat
or they’re braced against the bird banded trees
lip their sing and impose gentle melancholy

With a wave this world shifts brighter
Against the pillow hemmed moonlight
Or perhaps to cast off pen and labored commotion
And stay with the morning And words left alone

(not long enough for page 1162)

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