Tuesday, October 24, 2006

fall day / in the city

warm day, plus 14 centigrade, sky clear and promising, so I went out for a walk to take some pictures between my gym on the 8th story of a glassy building and dinner at City Cafe #1, where they didn't bring me my fries but tried to charge me for them anyways and the espresso was tall and thick, but tasted way too Russky and they did that annoying thing where they play music videos on the tvs above and in front of you but have totally different music on, too loudly.

1 comment:

Lockheed Hayheehoo Macedon said...

it's like that everywhere now... Overstimulus with the videos and incongruent audio...

I can understand tons of necessary data that is correlated, but not the shit that goes on these days...

coming to NYC anytime soon?
want to give you a warm hug. :(