Saturday, February 26, 2005

and a thirteen - for symmetry

There are some times when the sun sets over Crisp red hills,
And the day plays dark across the fading Suburb streets,
Lo! The sound of a station wagon plays upon Pitch,
And you and I are near, amidst Clean vacuumed carpet.

Now Starbucks must be closed: Let's Talk in the kitchen then,
You'll throw some Dinner dishes and I'll stare off Blankly,
What could that be? The sound of a Jet-Plane overhead?
"And just imagine this, my love, after All We've Built."

1 comment:

Paula said...

LDR are hard, but not impossible. We have been doing this USA - Uruguay thing for almost 3 years now. And we have been good friends for alomst 5. We really hope w can change this status soon, but nothing is certain. I bet you can see that.
So good luck with Moscow then! You know it's not impossible :-)