Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It's just a Rut - Man has adapted to Worse!

my sock - is Gone

Somewhere in your
sheets -

The coffee tastes stronger cold

You put on your jeans


we'll lose more

where that -

came from!


Anonymous said...

Odd...but that's why art is beautiful, it's subjective.

Lockheed Hayheehoo Macedon said...


It's getting a tad bit warmer and Lockheed is having flashbacks of the monotonic hell of last year in the warm seasons...

He toils angrily about things his 'fiance' says, these days, and it's becoming obsessive compulsive and his 'career' is in a dead end aahahahaha..... and the more people he meets, the more things he finds upsetting...

Claudine said...

I really liked this one...