Tuesday, July 25, 2006

this one goes out to alai

....was in my gym today and they were doing some kind of aerobics on the second floor.... they had their special music going....russians, like continental europeans - who they both dread and desire to become one day - love the techno..... and on came a techno trash version of "EYE OF THE TIGER".....and it reminded me at first of good ole wesleyan lifting days...... in free-wook before some glorious steaming and 50 free.....and I was under the bench, and I got all pumped up....like when I was in high school and I was lifting for football and the 12th graders stood around yelling "DO IT DO IT"...... and you feel the burning in your chest.... AND THE BAR CAME DOWN......but then I realized it was some kind of EYE OF THE TIGER EuRO REMIX ..... with a techno beat under it.... and that great "DUH, DUH DAH DUH, DAH DUh Duuuh" bass line was replaced by slick synthetic drumming..... it was so awful I almost failed my 10 rep of 140lbs....and almost sent my body sailing through the 8th story window with the stereo......but I ended up lifting in peace...a stronger but less naive man....

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